
Sustainability   Responsibility   Traceability   Ethics

Being a family, as well as a food industry, has led us over the years to always put the human factor first, to respect our land, its fruits and all those who take care of it, to choose a way of doing business under the sign of sustainability.
Being born in contact with the land and the farming traditions of our grandparents has given us the desire to promote a work ethic inside and outside our industry. For many customers this has become much more than a sign of responsibility, but precisely that added value, which has led them to choose San Gabriele S.p.A. as their business partner.

Sustainability first

Today, thanks to our heritage of caring for people and for the environment, we are proud to boast the title of the first industrial company in Europe to have concretely promoted sustainable viticulture.
We are constantly striving to increase the number of FSA (Farm Sustainability Assessment) certified wineries. This standard enables vegetable farms to identify their sustainability status from an economic, social and environmental perspective.

The Farm Sustainability Assessmen

The Farm Sustainability Assessment, developed by the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) platform, with the aim of promoting the development of sustainable agriculture worldwide, enables us to tap into a transparent supply of safe and sustainable raw materials for large-scale industry, traders, retailers and manufacturers.
Parameters that FSA-certified wineries must meet include: monitoring of land-use change, optimization of harvesting periods, protection of workers from activities harmful to their health, employment contracts in accordance with national laws, monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions.

An organic truly 100% organic

Embracing a sustainable business model also means producing organic products.
In order to ensure that our customers receive a fully organic product, our focus on quality is not limited to the selection of reliable partners, but also to on-site monitoring of all the steps that take the raw material from the winery to our company. During the pressing of the grapes, for example, we ensure that dedicated areas are set up for pressing organic grapes in order to avoid accidental contamination.
Once the pressings arrive at the firm, we store them in tanks intended exclusively for organic products.

The role of the San Gabriele food industry in sustainability

San Gabriele demands not only from its suppliers, but also from its own structure, a constant management and technological update aimed at promoting the cause of sustainability. This is achieved, on an environmental level, by abandoning diesel generators in favour of more ecological tri gas generators, by increasing the use of photovoltaic panels and by preferring to transport goods by rail rather than by more polluting road transport. On a social level, in the ethical and transparent management of industrial waste, which is constantly monitored by the local health authority and the Veneto Region authorities.

The Certifications

San Gabriele, besides the quality certifications, is proud to be also certified ISO 14001 for the environmental management system and ISO 45001 for the occupational health and safety management system.
Moreover, for the 9th consecutive year, San Gabriele has obtained the certification ECOVADIS, one of the most accredited recognitions on sustainability at international level, aimed at evaluating the ability of a company to manage aspects dealing with environment, human rights, ethical principles and sustainable purchase within the limits of the specific sector to which it belongs.
In 2022, for the first time, San Gabriele has been awarded with the gold medal, a recognition given to the 5% of the best companies assessed by the EcoVadis team of international.
